Brand Identity on Social Media
It’s important that all official UCLA-affiliated social media channels appear unified – it provides an official quality to our channels and makes it easier for people to navigate to the pages they are looking for. Please refer to UCLA Brand Guidelines for an overview, and below are some social-media-specific resources.
Profile Photo
UCLA school or department social media accounts will receive an official social media profile identity (a profile photo, provided by Strategic Communications). To get yours, please contact us.

Post Templates
We’ve created design templates for each social media platform and type of post, to save time and to maintain brand consistency. Please visit the Social Media section of the Brand Guidelines website to download these templates (.PSD files). If you are designing using a different program or tool, please refer to to these individual sections of Brand Guidelines to download resources and elements for post images.
Additional Resources
Channel Specifications – Guidelines for ideal image and video sizing for each Social Media Channel
UCLA Image Library – this image library is designed to support UCLA branding by making it easy for campus communications and development professionals to find and use photos and graphics that help to tell the UCLA story. Our emphasis is on quality images that capture UCLA’s distinct personality
UCLA Brand Guidelines – Elements for consistent use of the campus logo, color palette, and fonts make it easier for our audiences to connect with our messages. – UCLA’s own URL shortening service